My Bootiecall!!!!
My Butty Boy ♥
I just want you to know after everything that we´been through
I just want you to know that i still love you
That i still love you
Had to go across the water
just to find what was here in my heart all along
Spend so much time to trying to be right that I was dead wrong
Your only human
Let´s shake free this gravity of resentment
And fly high, and fly high
You´re only human
Let´s shake free this gravity of judgment
And fly high on the wings of forgiveness
Had to run to the arms of curiosity
Just to find what was here in my life all along
I have found that the art of simplicity
Simply means making peace of your complexity
I´ve searched for romance, flowers and affection
What I found is a lesson of what really love is
Found the game of love is about how much you can take
In fact, authentic love is about how much you can give
I took a swim in the sea of guilt and misery
To find myself on an island in the middle of nowhere
In my solitude, I asked to know the highest truth
And what I was told is to thy own self be true
After everything that we been through
I just want you to know that i still love you, that i still love you
I´am only human
Let´s shake free this gravity of resentment
And fly high, and fly high
You´re only human
Let´s shake free this gravity of judgement
and fly high on the wings of forgiveness.
India Arie - " Wings of forgiveness"
Den påminner om det som har varit och om dig, och att alla kan hitta tillbaka.
Sommar 2007
Min 117 gangster haha ♥
Så är det ganska många som tycker att vi är lika och till och med ser ut som syskon,
det är jävligt illa, när t.o.m. dina syskon säger det och mina hahahaa,
men sånt får man ta, jag har hittat en bild där jag faktiskt ser lite likheter
men det kan vara för att båda bär gult, har brunt hår, bruna ögon
och bilden är tagen ur profil på oss båda men ändå ↓
Jag älskar dig & allt är bra, riktigt bra ♥
Snart 3 år, tiden går som sagt snabbbbbt!
Jag älskar oss: sköna och underbara!
Peace & Fleece!